Retirement Part I

Okay, to catch everyone up.  Stewart is part time with Sullivan International (, working in the same capacity as he did as a full time employee, but just not as much.  Generally speaking that is, because half the time it appears he is as busy as he ever was.   He has also retired from official duties with the Servicemembers Legal Defense Network (SLDN).  He sleeps more, smiles a little more, and is looking forward to traveling more.  He just joined a Toastmasters Club and has given quite a few award-winning speeches.  If  you are looking for Stewart on Facebook, LinkedIn or Twitter he is not there, although perhaps with continued encouragement he will be one day.  

I am retired from Air Methods, known locally as Mercy Air.  'Retired' as in that was to be my last full time job.  I had stayed on briefly to help out with pilot check rides in the venerable Bell 222, but that has come to a close.  So I now work part time for Corporate Helicopters of San Diego (, doing film/video work, ferry, charter, and race support.  I also work part time for San Diego Gas & Electric (SDG&E) as their Aviation Safety and Risk Advisor, in support of their newly-founded aviation department.  Aaaaaand, on a somewhat related note I am now the Secretary/Treasurer of the California Helicopter Utility Aviation Council (CHUAC), an aviation consortium of the three California Power Companies.  

As mentioned in our holiday letter, we will be in Lexington, KY on the 11th for holidays with the McNabbs, and we'll be in Salt Lake City the week of Christmas with the Bornhofts.  Innumerable photos to follow.