May Already?

Stewart is in Salt Lake this week, assisting his nephew Stephen B. with the renovation of his very first home in the heart of suburbia.   Stewart's brother Greg (Stephen B.'s Dad)​ is also there, so with three Type A engineers we are expecting the results to be nothing short of spectacular. (Too bad Stewart and Greg's sister Mel, also an engineer but staunch introvert, wasn't there to reign in all that unbridled leadership).  

Salt Lake is also where we'll be heading for the winter holidays, along with most of the Bornhoft family including expatriates Caroline and Liam.  In the meantime, I should probably catch everyone up (briefly, as I always try to be) with our sundry goings on in the first four months of 2013, organized by destination.  

​Las Vegas.  I've checked in to Vegas five times this year, mostly for what  I call my fourth job, that of check airman for Air Methods (my primary employer and granter of my first job as an EMS pilot).  I will be honest, I don't really care for Las Vegas, in all its fabricated grandeur which is not in the least offset by the natural landscape around it, or by the stark ugliness of the town once you move away from the Strip.   One trip was to attend Heli-Expo, though, the annual Mecca for the U.S. Helicopter industry.

​Washington DC.  Stewart attended the annual Outserve-SLDN dinner, the flagship event to raise money and awareness about the LGBT military community. Held at the beautiful National Building Museum, 600+ attendees, always a great event.   

New England.  Stewart attended the funeral of one of our co-Plaintiffs, who died of breast cancer.  Following the funeral he was able to reunite with much of the Bornhoft/Stewart clan in and around Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Connecticut.   

San Felipe.  The BAJA 250.  I flew the race director and emergency room doctor around from sunup to sunrise.  We transported three critical patients, ​one of whom slipped away enroute to the clinic.  

New York.  Stewart and I attended the second annual dinner of the LGBT organization at the US Military Academy one weekend.  Got to stand on the USMA Helicopter Pad and visit the USMA Yacht Club, plus of course got a first hand tour of the entire campus from Stewart. 

Stewart has been to San Francisco for business, and I usually traipse all around SoCal in the course of my check airman duties, but otherwise I think that sums it up.  For the remainder of 2013 we will be headed to Seattle for a wedding, Columbus and Lexington to see family and friends, New England again hopefully to see the fall colors and, as mentioned, ending up in Salt Lake.  Will need to get my database photos under control before then.  ​