Happy 6th

Stewart's and my 6th wedding anniversary is today.  It's such a cliche to say, but it doesn't seem that long ago when the California State Supreme Court had opened the door to allow for gay marriage, and many of us rushed out to tie the knot before the pending public vote that November.  

It was the start of everything, in a sense.  Not the start of the LGBT community's efforts, of course, but one of the first manifestations of the tidal wave of changes to come.   Obama's election, DADT, DOMA, and an endlessly surprising litany of other victories that have had the gratifying effect of making our marriage nearly commonplace.  

We actually have been together since 1997, when we exchanged rings on top of Mt. Soledad on our birthdays.  It was a time of incredible upheaval in my life, having finally come to terms with my sexuality at the age of 30, while simultaneously switching careers and entering into what I hoped to be a long term relationship.  But again, hard to believe it's been 17 years.  

I'm not sure what we will do to celebrate, but maybe we'll just head to the Imperial Beach pier for fish and chips, and to watch the sun sink below the Pacific.