I dutifully track my flight time hours, now more out of curiosity than anything else. 4,886 hours so far, quite low compared to Vietnam-era and younger "production" pilots, but not terrible given the kinds of flights and experiences I've had. In any case it's not a gauge of happiness or satisfaction for me, as even a helicopter pilot will tell you that after eight hours of flying in one day, day after day, the fun can sort of wear off.
Below are my flight statistics by type; virtually all of it in helicopters save for a sliver of Cessna 152 time that I flew before entering the Navy, and my military training in the T-34. The Navy flight time is in blue (dark blue being twin-engine, light for single engine); my time flying helicopter air ambulance with Mercy Air in burnt umber (all twin engine time); my other "for hire" civilian flying in brown (again, twin engine in dark brown); and finally in gray the flight time that I paid for myself--mostly training for certification, and a scant few just for fun, including flights with my Mamaw and Papaw.
The aircraft* designations probably don't mean a great deal unless you are so inclined to follow such things, but it provides perspective (at least for me) about where I have spent my career, proportionately, and what I have done. Back in '97 when I left the Navy, the circle would have been almost entirely blue; after my first seven years with Corporate Helicopters, perhaps a 60/40 split; and now, my military career represents just a portion of my career--a good thing, I think, although it was a very meaningful part of my life and one that I nostalgically miss.
*If someone uses the term 'aircraft' it could, in FAA parlance, literally mean anything that flies. Balloons, gliders, gyrocopters, anything. The term 'rotary wing' could mean a helicopter or a gyrocopter.